情景一 发现粒子
1959 年秋,王皓云领导下的研究小组发现了世界上第一例反西格马负超子,“在微观世界 的体系上消灭了一个空白点。”
In the autumn of 1959, the team, led by Wang Haoyun, discovered the World’s first anti- Sigma negative hyperon, filling a gap in the micro-world system.
情景二 离别双人舞
突然接到祖国召回的绝密电报,王皓云毅然惜别妻子,从此隐姓埋名十七年。“我愿以身许 国!”——世界核物理巅峰上的一颗巨星消失了。
Receiving a top secret telegram, Wang Haoyun bid farewell to his wife and was requested to be anonymity for 17 years from then on. “I’m willing to dedicate myself to my country!” - A giant star on the pinnacle of world nuclear physics disappeared.
情景三 国旗下的誓言
新中国一代核科学精英,从世界各地集结于五星红旗下,誓言“干惊天动地事,做隐姓埋名 人!”
The new generation of Chinese nuclear science elites gather under the national flag from all over the world, vowing "do something incredible, but be anonymity."
情景四 九次运算
九次研算难解外国专家留下的“正确”数据“迷墻”。刻苦攻关,拨开迷雾。王皓云觉醒求真 路!
It was difficult to break the "correct" mystery wall left by foreign experts through nine times of calculation. Breaking the shackles and denying authority, Wang Haoyun found the road to truth.
情景五 雨帘舞
On the vast grassland of Jinyintan, Wang Haoyun wrote a letter to his wife reminiscing about the misty rain in Suzhou.
情景六 苏绣舞
Wang Haoyun’s wife embroidered a picture of full moon on Mid-Autumn Day and sent it to her husband from postbox.
情景七 壮丽的云
王皓云,中国原子弹研制技术总负责人之一,追忆起一九六四年十月十五日,中国第一颗原 子弹爆炸前夜。那场突如其来的风沙暴,令所有人都紧张到窒息。
Wang Haoyun, one of the general leaders of China's atomic bomb development technology, recalled the memory of 15 October, 1964, the eve of China's first atomic bomb explosion. At that moment, a sudden wind and sand storm added a sense of tension to everyone.